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Planning Board Minutes 6/22/06
Monterey Planning Board
Thursday June 22, 2006

Members present: Maggie Leonard, Janet Cathcart, Laurily Epstein, Stephen Rose, Brian Puntin, Cindy Hoogs, Wayne Burkhart.

Public present: Natalie Manzino, Alan Clark (architect) David Hellman (lawyer) Kevin Brenner (property owner) and Mike Parsons of Kelly Granger and Parsons.

Kevin Brenner of 42 Elephant Rock Road, his attorney David Hellman, and his architect Alan Clark met with the Planning Board to make a presentation for Brenner’s application for a special permit. Three Planning Board members (Cathcart, Epstein and Leonard) made a site visit the previous week, which was also attended by Brenner and Clark. Since it was the first time reviewing a special permit application for Epstein, who is new to the board, chair Maggie Leonard thought it would be good to do a step by step review. Leonard mentioned the Scenic Mountains Act, which the property is governed by due to slope, and Janet Cathcart objected stating that the Scenic Mountains Act is not in the purview of the Planning Board and that it is improper to consider it. Leonard agreed and other considerations such as height and setbacks were discussed. Alan Clark explained the terms average height and average grade.  Prior to taking their leave attorney Hellman asked if the board would mind taking a vote on the matter while they were present.  The board consented and voted unanimously that the project met the requirements of the Monterey Zoning Bylaws. Board member Cindy Hoogs recused herself due to a conflict.

Natalie Manzino of 9 Brook Lane met with the Planning Board to discuss the proposed Steepleview subdivision and the acquisition of some non-conforming lots in her neighborhood. Manzino lives on a road just off West Road, which is located on Route 57 across from Blue Heron Landing. Manzino said that she is “alarmed at the proposed subdivision.” In addition to being concerned about the possible Steepleview Development Manzino was concerned about the developer buying some small non-conforming lots adjacent to her property. Board member Janet Cathcart advised Manzino that she needs to do some research and look at her deed to see what, if any, recourse she might have. Surveyor Mike Parsons, who was at the meeting for another reason, informed everyone that the one of the small lots was to be sold to Mike’s nephew. Parsons also informed us that Sean Tucker of Steepleview Development now owns the all the roads in the West Road neighborhood.

Mike Parson’s of Kelly Granger and Parsons presented a Form A plan for property on Beartown Mountain Road and Royal Hemlock Road that is owned by Mary White. The plan consisted of three lots: 2.005 acres with frontage on Beartown Mountain Road; 2.177 acres with frontage on Beartown Mountain Road and Royal hemlock Road; and 2.351 acres with frontage on Royal Hemlock Road. All road frontage measurements meet or exceed zoning minimums (200’). Board member Cindy Hoogs stated that she was not sure if Royal Hemlock Road is a town road and she advised that the Planning Board ask for documentation proving that it is a town road. Parsons agreed to get in touch with the Town Clerk and supply such documentation to the Planning Board by the next meeting July 13, 2006.

The Planning Board met with Jason Dunlop who is interested in joining the Planning Board. Dunlop is from Sterling, Massachusetts, and he is currently living at Gould Farm. He said that living in a small town like Monterey has fired his interest in town government and that he is interested in learning all about the town.

The board read the minutes from June 8, 2006, and approved them as written. Maggie Leonard will send them to Melissa for inclusion on the Town web site.

Wayne Burkhart, who recently resigned from the Planning Board and is now on the Select Board, met with the board to advise us on the hot issue in the Town Hall: records! Burkhart said that the Planning Board needs to go through the records room and basically clean house. Burkhart said to “Make sure you get what you need from that room.” He also said that the Building Inspector has conveyed his unhappiness at what he considers his adversarial relationship with the Planning Board. Burkhart stated that the Building Inspector does not feel supported by the Planning Board.

Board member Cindy Hoogs noted that for Gould Farm to have permits for their current construction project they had to get a variance. Hoogs stated that perhaps the Planning Board needs to work on the bylaws so that Gould Farm doesn’t need to get a variance when they do construction projects.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Maggie Leonard